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 God's focus is on the heart
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Autor:  motorbearings [ 23 Apr 2018, 06:39 ]
Subiectul mesajului:   God's focus is on the heart

  Let's examine this verse. Those who believe once-saved-always-saved believe it so strongly that they see it as a necessary belief in order to truly enjoy your salvation. This is definitely a perilous time.

  This should not be construed to mean that every time we sin or experience a crisis in our faith, we have lost our salvation. However, these verses complement each other. It doesn't happen that easily.

  The Spirit of God is the input, and the works are the output. If your works don't reflect a godly conscience, don't focus on improving the works, rather, work on the heart. If we do not live a godly lifestyle, we may not truly be born again.

  Those who don't believe it see it as a dangerous teaching that provides a false sense of security.

  In many instances, someone has been saved for a period of time, but then fallen away.

  God's focus is on the heart, much more than on the external behavior (1 Samuel 16:7). The blood of Jesus does that. But emotions should never be mistaken for a true salvation experience, which can best be measured by the repentance that happens afterwards.

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